Your goal, of course, is to save money. A well-executed bulk purchase of an item can save you a lot of money, increasing your margins. WiseBond® Epoxy Systems has the perfect solution to help cut costs when it comes to massive epoxy purchasing. Get lower prices on job or project materials with minimum purchase.
Bulk epoxy 55-Gallon Drum pricing is based on a large quantity discount off retail. Order 55-Gallon Drums of Deep Pour Epoxy or Table Top Epoxy. Don't forget to order a Brass Drum Faucet - 3/4" Opening; Brass Gate Valve - 2" Opening: or Lever Action High Viscosity Drum Pump with your epoxy drums!
Bulk epoxy kit pricing is based on a LOW 20% discount off retail. Also, bulk purchase any colorant, tool or accessory product listed below for incredible savings!
For ordering, fill out the form below and we will contact you with pricing.
© 2025 - WiseBond®, A product of DeckWise®, The Ipe Clip® Fastener Company